We Value Your Feedback

Please review the known issues and FAQ provided to find solutions to the issues you are experiencing.

Known Issues

We are currently working on solutions for each of these issues.

Hands in Canasta can sometimes continue after the player has already gone out.

We are working on a fix for this issue and it will be resolved with the next Canasta update.

In the mean time, you can unblock the game by going back to the main menu and resuming the game.

Google recently had a release for their Android System Webview that caused crashes for almost every app.

Luckily, they did release a quick fix but in order to fix it, you need to download the update. Please look at the link below to see how you can fix this problem.

Unfortunately, we are no longer able to update or support Gin Rummy HD.

We do however have a new version of Gin Rummy, which does now include a new Online game mode, including a new Leaderboard competition with weekly prizes being awarded to the top players.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to delete your account follow these steps:

  1. Start the game and tap the Side Menu
  2. Tap ‘Statistics’
  3. Within the Statistics screen you will find the North Sky Games account button (Bear Paw) tap this to create a new account or sign in / out of an existing account.

Once you are signed into your account follow these steps:

  1. In the bottom left choose the delete account button.
  2. Press Continue to delete your account.
  3. All of your data will be lost and cannot be restored.

If you are experiencing game play issues, such as stuck cards or meld problems we recommend the following:

  • Within the game scene tap the ‘Side Menu’ button then tap ‘Home’ this will return you to the Main Menu
  • Tap ‘Resume’ to continue your current game
  • This should resolve any in-game card issues

If the game is still unplayable after the above steps:

  • From within the game screen tap the ‘Side Menu’
  • Tap ‘Forfeit’
  • The current game will be forced to end thus allowing you to start a new one.

We don’t currently support inviting a friend. We are working on adding that feature, however and it will be available in the next major update.

Making a purchase from the games ‘Coin Store’ will remove all third party ad’s that appear before the start of a new game or when you continue a game in progress.

To access the Coin Store from the games Main Menu:

– Tap the coin icon (located in the upper right corner of the scene)

XP stands for experience. The game grants you XP points whenever you win a game, you can choose to double the amount of XP awarded at game over by tapping the ‘Double Xp’ button.

Gain enough Xp and you will level up! When you level up you will be awarded Coins.

Coins are used to unlock additional game content such as new game modesa dn difficulty levels and to purchase packs of Joker Power-Ups!. You earn coins by leveling up and also by completing Daily Challenges.

You can also purchase ‘Bags of Coins’ from the Coin Store which is accessible from the Main Menu (Tap the Coin icon – top right of the screen).

We use Facebook to help manage your game statistics and purchases etc. To transfer to another device take the following steps:

  1. On the original device start up the game and ensure you are logged into Facebook via the game (If you are not please do so, there is a Facebook login button on the statistics screen)
  2. On the second device start up the game and again log into your Facebook account via the game.
  3. Your statistics etc should then transfer over. (Please note that this can sometimes take a moment or two!)

Please note! If after the above steps your data still has not transferred over please try the following:

  1. Within the app, log out of Facebook using the Facebook login button located within either the help or statistics screens
  2. Restart your device
  3. Start the app and log back into your Facebook account via the Facebook login button.

All of our games have a mute button that can be found in the main menu, within the settings, or some place on the home screen. If you cannot hear your sound, please be sure that the sound is not switched off.

After you’ve verified the in game mute button is not activated, the next place to look are at the hardware buttons on your device. The volume and device mute button are located on the side of your device. If your device is muted, the orange will be showing when the button is toggled.

If you are still experiencing issues, we suggest restarting your device then follow the steps provided above.

My Issue Is Not Listed

If your issue is not listed, please contact us by emailing us at North Sky Games Support to let us know about any questions, concerns, and crazy ideas you have. Happy Gaming!